Alef Bet Montessori School

About Us

Alef Bet Montessori School is a Jewish Montessori Day School in Bethesda, MD. We serve children from preschool to elementary class.

Judaic & Hebrew

Our curriculum includes daily prayer, the weekly Torah portion, Judaic studies and Hebrew.

Immersive Learning

The Montessori approach to learning is all about creating a self-guided, self-correcting and immersive learning experience that nurtures the whole child.

Secular Studies

Our students learn age-appropriately about language arts, science, math, geography, art, and music.

Life Skills

By learning the Montessori way, our children are well-prepared for life as they learn persistence, critical thinking and problem-solving.

Within the child lays the fate of the future!

- Dr. Maria Montessori


One of the fundamental principles of a Montessori classroom is mutual respect — among our friends and between students and staff.

Love To Learn

Instead of telling the child what to learn, the teacher follows the child's interests and provides guidance and reassurance when needed.


Within defined boundaries, all students have the freedom to experiment and express themselves.

A Word From Our Founder

One of the most important decisions you have to make in your children’s life is about your child’s education. We thank you for your interest in Alef Bet Montessori as the answer to your quest.

Parents and educators know that children learn best by doing, using their senses, exploring their environment, meeting with people and visiting places. Experience and repetitions are the keys to your child happiness and success.

Let them engage with hands-on materials (concrete), they need to try it on their own, by doing to experience. They internalize through their actions, listening to a story or another person, reading a book and looking at pictures.

Alef Bet provides this warm and loving environment where mistakes are welcome – It’s OK to make a mistake, find it, and start again. Getting back on your feet is part of the learning. Another lesson will be provided and children are free to try again and again. Children share the same class (Primary or Elementary) for the course of 3 years and enjoy the time to learn, experience and develop the love of learning.

We encourage you to visit us. Schedule a tour of the school, check our accreditation and to see what makes us different as we apply the Montessori method to both our secular and Judaic curriculum.

I look forward to seeing you soon.

Ellie Lichtash

Ellie Lichtash

See What Our Parents Have To Say About Us

“The first time I walked into the school, I was hooked. The classrooms were so beautiful. I’ll never look at regular school the same way. This is the way learning is supposed to be.”

- Madelaine Tayler, Parent

If you think your child would thrive in a Montessori environment, give us a call or schedule a virtual tour online. We would love for you to visit our school and learn more.

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